Title: "Fish Tales"
Size: Life-size bronze, 24"h x 13"w x 14"d
Copyright: 1998
Edition: 35
Following the success of "Cowboys Don't Take Naps," Dan's grandson Sawyer modeled for this whimsical bronze that captures the excitement and wonder of a young boy with his catch. The sculpture is suitable for either indoor or outdoor display. It is plumbed for a fountain and works nicely in an intimate garden/pond setting with water trickling from the boy’s finger tips.
Size: Life-size bronze, 24"h x 13"w x 14"d
Copyright: 1998
Edition: 35
Following the success of "Cowboys Don't Take Naps," Dan's grandson Sawyer modeled for this whimsical bronze that captures the excitement and wonder of a young boy with his catch. The sculpture is suitable for either indoor or outdoor display. It is plumbed for a fountain and works nicely in an intimate garden/pond setting with water trickling from the boy’s finger tips.