Title: “First Fish”
Size: Tabletop bronze, 16”h x 10”w x 9”d
Copyright: 1996
Edition: 125
Modeled after young Derek and his Siberian Husky dog Bandit, this tabletop bronze captures the excitement and anticipation of catching that first fish. For Derek and Bandit, posing for grandpa's sculpture ideas was old hat, but who's complaining when you're catching fish from the shore of Lewis Lake in Yellowstone National Park.
Size: Tabletop bronze, 16”h x 10”w x 9”d
Copyright: 1996
Edition: 125
Modeled after young Derek and his Siberian Husky dog Bandit, this tabletop bronze captures the excitement and anticipation of catching that first fish. For Derek and Bandit, posing for grandpa's sculpture ideas was old hat, but who's complaining when you're catching fish from the shore of Lewis Lake in Yellowstone National Park.