Title: "Bubble Bath"
Size: Life-size bronze, 24"h x 13"w x 16"d
Copyright: 1999
Edition: 35 (one casting left in the edition)
Little Gabriela’s attempts to blow bubbles inspired Dan to create the adorable “Bubble Bath” bronze sculpture. "Bubble Bath" is permanently installed at Shoreline Park West on Shelter Island, San Diego, California as a timeless memorial to a little girl.
Size: Life-size bronze, 24"h x 13"w x 16"d
Copyright: 1999
Edition: 35 (one casting left in the edition)
Little Gabriela’s attempts to blow bubbles inspired Dan to create the adorable “Bubble Bath” bronze sculpture. "Bubble Bath" is permanently installed at Shoreline Park West on Shelter Island, San Diego, California as a timeless memorial to a little girl.